The 5 Factors of Health

When I was in my 20s I always biased my thoughts of Health and being “Healthy” towards only 2 things…

Training and Eating

Which served me OK…but most things do when you’re in your 20’s with very little to worry about.

But as I added a few years to my CV…a mortgage, wife and 2 kids…it started to dawn on me that there must be more to it. More factors than just training hard and eating well to really feel healthy and happy.

There must be more…or I wouldn’t have been feeling as sluggish and demotivated as I was at times in my early 30’s.

When I sat down and thought more about what I was doing, how I was feeling and what I was missing. It became very obvious that my sleep was all over the place…2 kids will do that to you.

I also realised that I was feeling pretty isolated, between work and the family I was making very little time to catch up with my friends and relax outside of my roles as dad and business owner.

Plus, I spent a lot of time acutely aware of all the things that I should be doing but wasn’t. Of all the people who looked like they were doing a great job at all the things that I was struggling at.

It became clear to me that “Health” has at least 5 main components:

  1. Eating

  2. Sleeping

  3. Training

  4. Thinking

  5. Connecting

All of which need some degree of attention if we’re to feel happy and healthy on a daily basis.

That doesn’t mean we need to be on a restrictive diet, get to bed at 8pm, follow a brutal training programme, meditate and hug people all day.

But it does give you a quick list to act as a starting point if you’re feeling a little ropey and wondering why.

If you go through the list and see that you haven’t thought about one component you can dedicate some time to improving that while the others stay constant.

It also serves as a platform for how we run TeamCC to make sure we’re delivering for our members.

We want to create opportunities for our members to improve all these elements, as some will need more of one than the other. That way we can truly help create a lifestyle that helps them build their health, strength and confidence for the long term.

Have a look through the list and see if there’s something you’d like to work on. If you want to see if we can help you with it…give our 6 Week Challenge a try.


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