Make Time For Yourself

“I can’t go to the gym because I should get home to the kids”

“I need to finish this work before I leave, so I’ll skip the gym”

Sound familiar?

It’s Not Selfish To Make Time For Yourself

The problem is…you never actually get to the gym because you’ve spent the whole week prioritising everything else.

You do that because, underneath it all, you can’t shake the feeling of guilt you get when you think about not rushing home to the kids or not finishing that piece of work.

This kinda works for a while…the kids are still alive, and another project is finished.

But you’re left feeling a little more ropey, a little more sluggish, less creative and lower energy.

Most of our members join us when they’ve reached a tipping point on this journey.

It’s been too long since they focussed on themselves and they’ve realised that the only way to be able to continue to give to the kids and to work is to carve out some time in the week for themselves.

It’s not easy, but within a week they already feel the benefit.

To get started they need accountability to be at the gym…because the guilt is still there and it’ll try to stop them taking the time they need.

They need to look ahead at the week and book their sessions in so that they can plan around it and still get the most important things done.

They need to know that they’ll feel better at the end of the session so that they can get on with everything else that they have going on.

And they need to work with the people who might be affected by it to agree that the time they take is for the benefit of everyone…and it’s vital that it happens.

Once those actions are put into play, the routine takes over and the guilty feelings start to fall away…until they’re no longer there and you wonder why you ever worried in the first place.

Because you’re so much happier and relaxed at home with the kids and have so much more energy in work to get more done in less time.

If you’d like us to help you with getting rid of the guilt you can start with our 6 week challenge.

You’ll see the impact of having sessions booked in with a coach and great people on your day.

After 6 weeks you’ll know for sure that you need it in your life.

To get started now simply click the “Train With Us” button and complete the interest form now.


Gyms in Bournemouth


What’s The Point Of Going To Gym?