What’s The Point Of Going To Gym?

Have you ever really thought about why you go to the gym and what the gyms you’ve been to in the past have actually delivered for you?

Is it to get in shape, to burn calories or to get fitter?

Or maybe it’s to meet new people and spend time with friends?

Some even seem to want their gym to punish them with needlessly brutal workouts that do more harm than good.

While we’re sure there’s a little bit of those things in there, we think a great gym should deliver something more than that for you.

A great gym, the kind of gym that you’re excited to keep going to for years, should help you take on the world.

You see, most gyms don’t appreciate the role they play in your life. They see themselves as simply a place to sweat and burn calories; or seem to find pleasure in hurting you. They judge themselves by how trashed you look after the session.

But they miss the point that there’s very few places that you can go 3-4 times per week that truly lift you up. Most things in adult life take from you. Your time and your energy are all focussed on work and family and you get left wiped out by the end of the day.

A great gym should help you recharge, build progress, focus on improvement and set you up for success. You should leave with more energy than when you walked in, ready to crack on and be there for those who need you.

If you want to batter yourself, that’s cool, we can recommend a few places down the street.

But if you’re looking for a gym to help you become more, one little step at a time, then maybe we’re a great fit for you.

Because our goal is to help you feel at your best: finally full of confidence that when you put in the work great things can happen…and it can be fun.

Our 6 week challenge could be the best way to start that process.


Make Time For Yourself


Don’t Work Out To Burn Calories